Privacy Policy

CCTVLINK is dedicated to protecting the privacy and security of individuals. This policy outlines our practices regarding the use of CCTV cameras for surveillance purposes. Our CCTV cameras are installed to ensure the safety and security of employees, customers, visitors, and property; to deter and investigate incidents of theft, vandalism, and other criminal activities; to monitor access to facilities and enforce company policies; and to assist law enforcement agencies when necessary. This policy applies to all CCTV cameras operated by CCTVLINK on its premises, including both indoor and outdoor areas.

The CCTVLINK is responsible for managing and maintaining the CCTV system, ensuring compliance with this policy, and addressing any privacy-related concerns. CCTV cameras are positioned in locations where surveillance is needed for the stated purposes, avoiding private areas such as restrooms, changing rooms, and other locations where privacy is reasonably expected. Clear signage indicating the use of CCTV surveillance is displayed at all entrances and prominent locations to inform individuals that they are being monitored, along with contact information for inquiries.